Freddy Wants To Go To School by Patti McQuillen

Freddy Wants to Go to School 5 Stars

Patti McQuillen (Author)

This is the story of Annie, a little girl who wants to bring a duck called Freddy to school for show and tell but is told that she can’t.

This book is written well for the younger reader. The author has managed to create a good story with realistic characters while keeping the writing plain, simple and easily understood by the youngest of readers, which is no easy feat. The story is entwined around and driven by the characters, especially Annie with her less than perfect behavior  There was a nice little twist to the story towards the end, which I will say no more about.

Freddy wants to Go to School is a book that children will want to read over and over again, and will be a first choice bedtime story.

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